Friday 25 November 2016
Strength Back Squat 15 Min to Test 1Rm * WOD 19min AMRAP 8 T2B 12 Push Ups 20 Wall Balls 20/14lbs * PEAK 30 Muscle ups for time Scale: Chest to bar/Pull-ups *Every break 6 DB Squat Snatch 35/25kg
Strength Back Squat 15 Min to Test 1Rm * WOD 19min AMRAP 8 T2B 12 Push Ups 20 Wall Balls 20/14lbs * PEAK 30 Muscle ups for time Scale: Chest to bar/Pull-ups *Every break 6 DB Squat Snatch 35/25kg
Strength Barbell Cycling Snatch Pulls 5×3 @90% 0:00, 2:00, 4:00, 6:00, 8:00 * WOD “DT”- ReTest 5rft (CAP 10min) 12 Deadlifts 70/47.5kg 9 Hang Power Cleans 70/47.5kg 6 Shoulder To OverHead 70/47.5kg Compare to 11 October 2016 * PEAK 14min EMOM 1: 15 Calorie Row or Bike 2: 10 Burpee Box Jumps
WOD 10rft (CAP 32min) 14 KB Snatch 24/16kg 10 C2B Pull Ups 200m Sprint *Rest 1 Minute between Rounds * Plyometrics Plymometric Bounding 7×1 Seated Box Jump + 1 Broad Jump (Start seated on a low box, bound to a high box, down, the other side and 2 footed broad jump for max distance) *…
Strength Barbell Cycling Full Snatch 10×2 @75% 0:00, 1:30, 3:00, 4:30, 6:00, 7:30, 9:00, 10:30, 12:00, 13:30 Reps are not touch and go 2sec pause at the knee * WOD 6rft (CAP 14min) 5 Hang Squat Snatch 60/42.5kg 40 DU’s * PEAK Deadlift 4×5@82.5% of 1RM 4×2@90% of 1RM * Accessory Work 5×14 Single leg…
Strength 20 Min to Find 1 Rm Front Squat * WOD 9 Min AMRAP 4 Clusters 70/47.5kg 8 Burpee Box Jumps 24/20′ * PEAK 20 Min EMOM 1: 50 Double unders + Max muscle ups in remainder of minute 2: Rest 3: 50 Double unders + Max Handstand push ups in remainder of minute (OPEN…
Mobility 10 Mins WOD – Partner 30 Min Amrap Run 400m Together 100 Pull Ups 80 Squat Clean Wall Balls 20/14lbs 60 Box Jumps 24/20′ 40 HSPU’s 200 Double Unders/400 Skips
WOD 7rft (CAP 32min) 400m Run 30 Air Squats 2 Rope Climbs * Midline/ Core Tabata L-Sit Accumulate 30 strict TTB in as little sets as possible * PEAK Deadlift 4×5@80% of 1RM 4×2@87.5% of 1RM * Accessory Work 5×14 Single leg Romainian KB Deadlift (7 each leg) 5×14 GHD Back extension 5x Max effort…
Strength Back Squat 5×3 @87.5% 0:00,3:00, 6:00, 9:00, 12:00 * WOD 5rft (CAP 20min) 10 Strict Ring Dips 15 Ring Rows (feet on box) 20 Cal Row *Rest 1min between rounds *Scale Strict Ring Dip to Band or 15 HR Push Ups * PEAK Build to Max Squat Clean + Front Squat + Jerk *…
Strength Barbell Cycling Power Snatch 10×3 @75% of 1RM Touch and go 0:00, 1:30, 3:00, 4:30, 6:00, 7:30, 9:00, 10:30, 12:00, 13:30 * WOD 4rft (CAP 16min) 16 OH Lunge 25/15kg 16 Burpees 16 GHD/ 32 Sit Ups * Peak 5 Rounds for time: 25 Calorie Row 12 Handstand push ups 6 Muscle ups
WOD- Benchmark Bradshaw 30min AMRAP 3 HSPU 6 Deadlift 100/65kg 12 Pull Ups 24 DU’s * Mobility ROMWOD * Peak Strict Press 5×5@77.5% * Pendlay Row 5×5 – Heavy weight * Strict Pull-ups 5 X Max Effort Set