Friday 16 December 2016
Strength 3RM Hang Power Clean (15min) Work up to a heavy 3 * WOD 12min AMRAP 3 Deadllifts 140/100kg 6 HSPU 18 Double Unders * PEAK Rowing Intervals 4 x 1km Row 3min Rest *Aim for a pace 4 seconds faster than 2km Pace
Strength 3RM Hang Power Clean (15min) Work up to a heavy 3 * WOD 12min AMRAP 3 Deadllifts 140/100kg 6 HSPU 18 Double Unders * PEAK Rowing Intervals 4 x 1km Row 3min Rest *Aim for a pace 4 seconds faster than 2km Pace
Strength Front Squat (20 rep session) 1×10 @40%, 1×10 @50%, 1×20 @55% The 1×20 is the main working set. Add 2.5-5% from previous week. Sets on Clock: 0:00, 2:30, 5:00 * WOD 3 x 3min AMRAP 30 Thrusters 30/20kg Max Rep HR Burpees Rest 2min between rounds Score = total reps * PEAK Part A…
WOD 20min AMRAP 150 Cal Row or Run 800m 100 Wall Balls 20/14lbs 50 Ring Dips * Core/ Midline 5 rounds Accumulate 30s L-Hang 60s Rest * Peak Accessory Work 5 x 10 (each side) Single leg Deadlift @30% of 1RM Deadlift 5 x 10 Double KB Bent Over Row 24/16kg 5 x 10 Strict…
Strength Back Rack Box Step Ups 5×6 (3R+3L) 20/16′ Score heaviest set Sets on Clock 0:00, 2:30, 5:00, 7:30, 10:00 * WOD 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 (CAP 12min) T2B Front Squats 60/37.5kg Box Jump Overs 24/20′ * Peak Interval Work – 4 Rounds 12 Thrusters 50/35kg 10 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups 400m Row Rest 2min After each round
Strength Weighted Pull Ups 6×4 Score heaviest set Sets on Clock 0:00, 1:30, 3:00, 4:30, 6:00, 7:30 * WOD 3rft (CAP 15min) 400m Run 21 Power Snatch 35/25kg * Peak Back Squat @77.5-80% of last weeks 1 rep Back Squat (heavier than last weeks sets): 7×4 Back Squats then @72.5-75%: 2×5 w/2 sec pause at…
Mobility 15 Mins * WOD- Partner 5 Min AMRAP Wall Balls 20/14lbs 7 Min AMRAP Thrusters 40/30kg 9 Min AMRAP Burpees 7 Min AMRAP Thrusters 40/30kg 5 Min AMRAP Wall Balls 20/14lbs * 1 Work/ 1 Rest * Score is total reps from all AMRAP’s
WOD 4 Rounds for Reps 1min KB Swings 32/24kg 1min T2B or GHD Sit Ups 1min Cal Row 1min Rest * ROMWOD * PEAK Find a 1 rep Back Squat (take your time here, get as heavy as you can) then @75-77.5% of above: 7×4 Back Squats then @70-72.5% of above: 1×5 w/2 sec pause…
Strength 1 Hang Power Snatch + 1 Full Snatch @80-85% *Can reset between reps Sets on Clock 0:00, 2:00, 4:00, 6:00, 8:00, 10:00, 12:00, 14:00 * WOD Isabel For time (CAP 7min) 30 Snatches 60/42.5kg * PEAK Interval work 4 rounds: 4min AMRAP/ 2min Rest 25/20 Cal Row 10 Thrusters 50/35kg 12 Toes to Bar…
Strength Front Squat (20 rep session) 1×10 @40%, 1×10 @50%, 1×20 @55% *The 1×20 is the main working set. Add 2.5-5% from previous week. Sets on Clock: 0:00, 2:30, 5:00 * WOD 16min AMRAP 8 Hang Squat Clean 40/25kg 8 C2B Pull Ups 8 Hang Squat Clean 40/25kg 8 Burpees * PEAK 3 Rounds for…
WOD 3rft (CAP 21min) 150 Double Unders 5 rounds of 3 Power Cleans 70/47.5kg 6 Push Ups 9 Air Squats * Strenght/Movement AMRAP 6 Mins 1 Strict MU + 1 Kipping MU + 1 Ring Dip *Scale to 2 Kipping MU + Ring Dip * PEAK Accessory Work 5 x 10 (each side) Single leg…