3×3 @82.5-85% of 3rm
2×6 @70% of 3rm
Sets on Clock
0:00, 3:00, 6:00, 9:00, 12:00
Partner WOD
For Time in pairs
80 Burpees
100 Alt KB snatch 24/16kg
*Both partners working at the same time, one partner works on burpee total while the other work on KB snatch total.
*They can switch exercises when they wish.
*If one exercises total is done before the other they can both work to complete the final reps on the remaining exercise.
Strength Circuit
4 Rounds not for time
100m Farmers Carry 32/24kg
15 Single Leg KB Deadlift (15 each side) – 16/12kg
15 Single Arm DB Rows (15 each side) – 30/22.5kg